Monday, June 7, 2010

Intership Vocabulary

Part 1

Native Language: Asesor
Definition: A person that gives other people advices.
Sentence: My advisor help me with my internship and gives me advices for internship.

Native language: Apropiado
Definition: Something that is correct or something that you have to do.
Sentences: You have to wear appropriate clothe to your internship.

Native language: Attitud
Definition: The way how you respond to something or somebody.
Sentence: I always have a good attitude with my mentor because that shows how I am.

Native language: Colega
Definition: A member of your class or profession.
Sentence: The collegue can help you in class about something that you don’t understand.

Cover letter
Native language: Cubierta de carta
Definition: A letter that is sent along with another documents to provide additional information.
Sentence: Cover letter help the employee to get the job.

Co- Worker
Native language: Companero de trabajo
Definition: One person that works with another.
Sentence: a co-worker can help you a lot in your job or internship.

Native language: Critica
Definition: Judge something or someone in a bad or good way to make something better.
Sentence: acriticism is good to get done something better.

Native language: Discriminacion
Definition: A unfair treatment of a person or group.
Sentence: Sometimes people use discrimination to people from other culture or color for stereotypes.

Native language: Deber/ obligacion
Definition: a work that you have to do or obligation of the job.
Sentence: My internship duty is to get the classroom clean and help the children.

Native language: Empleado
Definition: A person who is hired to make a job.
Sentence: I am an employee of P.S 230 because I work there.

Native language: Empleador
Definition: A person who gives jobs to people.
Sentence: Ms. O'Neill is my employer because she gave me my internship.

Native language: Evaluar
Definition: To give or set a value or amount.
Sentence: Test helps the teachers to evaluate us about our learning.

Native language: Evaluacion
Definition: A procces of evaluate something.
Sentence: Evaluation is important for get a job because this helps the employer to see how you work.

Native language: Flexible
Definition: Capable for do something.
Sentence: My internship is flexible because I can go to school, work and get mu school work done on time.

Native language: Hostigar
Definition: To irritate or bother persistently.
Sentence: Sometimes when you don't like something became a harassment for you.

Native language: Iniciativa
Definition: A ability to start something without being ask it.
Sentence: I always take the initiative to do somethingg new at my internship.

Native language: Aprendis
Definition: Someone who has entered in a job to learn.
Sentence: I am an novice at my internship because I am learning how to became an elementary teacher.

Native language: Proactivo
Definition: Acting in advance to deal with something difficult.
Sentence: I have taken proactive steps to make my English better.

Native language: Qualificacion
Definition: A good thing that must be met or complied for fit a person or something.
Sentence: Some roles will also required teaching qualification.

Native language: Recomendacion
Definition: An opinion given to somebody to employ another person.
Sentence: For get my internship job I get Ms. Aarti's recomendation.

Native language: Referencia
Definition: Give good feedback to another people about your development in something.
Sentence: College ask for reference to see how you are in yours classes.

Native language: De confianza
Definition: Trust somebody, dependable of somebody.
Sentence: I am reliable to my bus to get on time to school.

Native language: Salario
Definition: The money that you own by doing your job.
Sentence: You get your salary depending on your job.

Native language: Tarea
Definition: a part of a work that have to be done as part of a duties.
Sentence: Reagents essays always get a task to get a high score you have to fallow the task.

Native language: Sueldo
Definition: Payment for labor or services to a worker.
Sentence: The minimum wage in New York are 7.75 dollars per hour.

Part 2

Native language: Permiso
Definition: Approval to do something.
Sentence: In P.S 230 Ms. O'Neill have to ask for permition to the principle to make a trip.

Reading level
Native language: Nivel de lectura
Definition: A term used to indicate the average reading skill of children each year.
Sentence: I always have to put the reading level of children on the computer to see if they need help in reading.

Native language: Consegero
Definition: Someone who gives advices about problems.
Sentence: Ms. Patty is a counselor because she always try to gives us advices to fix our problems.

Native language: Coordinador
Definition: Someone whose task is to see that work goes good.
Sentence: Mr. Carlos is always focus on school meatings and get the parents informate.

Native language: Obediencia
Definition: Do what other people ask you to do to show respect to him or her.
Sentence: Obedience it is very important in a school.

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